

Klaus Palme

Institute of Biology II (Botany), University of Freiburg
+49 761 203 2954

10 selected publications

  • The PIN auxin efflux facilitator network controls patterning and cell division in Arabidopsis roots. Blilou I, Wildwater M, Willemsen V, Papanov I, Friml J, Heidstra R, Palme K, Scheres B (2005). Nature 433, 39-44.
  • A PINOID-dependent binary switch in apical-basal PIN polar targeting directs auxin efflux. Friml J, Yang X, Michniewicz M, Weijers D, Quint A, Tietz O, Benjamins R, Ouwerkerk PBF, Ljung K, Sandberg G, Hooykaas PJJ, Palme K, Offringa R (2004). Science 306, 862-865.
  • Gravity induced auxin transport from Arabidopsis columella to lateral root cap cells. Ottenschläger I, Wolff P, Wolverton C, Bhalerao R, Sandberg G, Ishikawa H, Evans M, Palme K (2003). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 2987-2991.
  • Lateral relocalisation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropic growth responses in Arabidopsis. Friml J, Wisniewska J, Benková E, Mendgen K, Palme K (2002). Nature 415, 806-809.
  • AtPIN4 mediates sink-driven auxin gradients and root patterning in Arabidopsis. Friml J, Benkova E, Bililou I, Wisniewska J, Hamann T, Ljung K, Woody S, Sandberg G, Scheres B, Jürgens G, Palme K (2002). Cell 108, 661-673.
  • Polar localization of Rop GTPases in trichoblast budding and regulation of root hair tip growth. Molendijk AJ, Bischoff F, Rajendrakumar CSV, Friml J, Braun M, Gilroy S, Palme K (2001). EMBO J. 20, 2779-2788.
  • Reversible regulation of polar insertion of AtPIN1. Geldner N, Friml J, Stierhof S, Jürgens G, Palme K (2001). Nature 413, 425-428.
  • AUX1 localisation has uncovered a novel transport pathway for IAA in the Arabidopsis root apex. Swarup R, Friml J, Marchant A, Palme K, Bennett M (2001). Genes & Dev. 15, 2648-2653.
  • Coordinated polar localization of auxin efflux carrier PIN1 by GNOM ARF GEF. Steinmann T, Geldner N, Grebe M, Mangold S, Jackson C, Paris S, Gälweiler L, Palme K, Jürgens G (1999). Science 286, 316-318.
  • Regulation of polar auxin transport by AtPIN1 in Arabidopsis vascular tissue. Gälweiler L, Guan C, Müller A, Wisman E, Mendgen K, Palme K (1998). Science 282, 2226-2230.