Centre for Biological Signalling Studies


12:30 14:00      Coordinators' Lunch

14:00 14:05      Eucor Director  - Janosch Nieden ( Welcome words

14:05 15:35      Grad School Pitches - PhD in the Past

14:05 14:20      Uni Freiburg SGBM - Prof. Christoph Borner ( "Graduate schools today - How much structure
                              is needed?"

14:20 14:35      Uni Freiburg IMPRS - Dr. Kyle Austin ( “Beyond the Basics: Building
                             Professional Experience while at the Bench”

14:35 14:50      Virginia Tech - Vice-President Prof. Karen DePauw (  "Evolving graduate education in the US

14:50 15:05      Novartis – Akiko Keller, M.Sc. ( "Industry-academia
                             collaborations for scientific skills training in the Global North and the Global South "

15:05 15:20      Uni Basel - PD Dr. Christian Imdorf ( "Transferable skills and PhD education in Switzerland. A view
                             from the Global Perspectives Programme"

15:20 15:35      Uni Strasbourg - Vice-Présidente Prof. Véronique Bulach ( "The Doctoral Training at
                             the University of Strasbourg"

15:35 16:00      Booth Set-up and Coffee

16:00 17:00      Ask the Coordinators - PhD in the Present - Individual Booths

17:00 18:00      The PhD of the Future - Panel Discussion

18:00 19:30      Coordinators' Dinner