Centre for Biological Signalling Studies


October 18 to 20, 2017

Registration and abstract submission is still possible until August 31, 2017



The symposium “Signals from the Invisible – Nanoscale Compartmentalization of Signaling Processes in Biology and Medicine” celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM) and the Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (BIOSS). Both institutions have been funded by the German Excellence Initiative since 2006/2007 and have reached a high international reputation in the area of structured doctoral training and research in signaling and synthetic biology. SGBM offers its PhD fellows a multidisciplinary research environment, efficient supervision schemes and extensive career mentoring to prepare them for a successful career in academia, industry and the public sector. By an iterative process “From Analysis to Synthesis to better Analysis” BIOSS scientists in the area of Biology, Medicine and Engineering collaborate to develop and apply tools of synthetic biology and super-resolution techniques to control and understand cellular signaling processes that are the basis of our life. This will allow the development of novel devices and medicines to treat human diseases such as cancer more effectively. Most signaling processes occur inside subcellular compartments at dimensions that are below the diffraction limit of visible light of 250 nanometers. Information from these dark spaces of the cell is hard to retrieve. The symposium brings together signaling scientists from all over the world who use novel and innovative techniques in their studies of nanoscale signaling processes.

As the directors or SGBM and BIOSS, we warmly welcome you to our symposium and wish you a memorable time interacting with doctoral students, postdocs and group leaders from all over the world and enjoying the picturesque town of Freiburg.

Christoph Borner, director of SGBM

Michael Reth, director of BIOSS


Scientific Organizers

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Reth
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner


Conference Organizers

  • Hanna Wagner 
  • Jennifer Gawlik
  • Victor Oginga Oria
  • Nadine Reischmann
  • Oguz Top
  • Oliver Thomas
  • Dr. Marco Cavallari (Scientific Advisor)