Upper Rhine
Immunology Group



Upper Rhine Immunology Group

University of Freiburg, Germany


79085 Freiburg im Breisgau

Telefon: +49 0761 / 203 – 97374
Telefax: +49 0761 / 203 – 97419
Email: wolfgang.schamel@biologie.uni-freiburg.de


University of Basel, Switzerland

University of Strasbourg, France

Responsible for the content
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schamel

Editorial work
Christine Ehler (Assistant Manager, University of Freiburg)

Christine Ehler

Design and Conception of Website
IMIA net based solutions, Stuttgart

Disclaimer for content created by researchers of the Upper Rhine Immunology Group

The content of this website has been researched and implemented with a high degree of care. However, the possibility of errors in the processing and implementation cannot be fully excluded. Please send any remarks or corrections to: christine.ehler@bioss.uni-freiburg.de

Despite our care in designing this website, we can assume liability neither for its correctness and completeness, nor for information on it that is not current. More specifically, the Upper Rhine Immunology Group assumes no liability for damages or other consequences directly or indirectly resulting from the use of content on this website.

Disclaimer for cross-references and links

In accordance with common law, the  Upper Rhine Immunology Group is responsible for contents created by persons associated with the group. Such content does not include cross-references to content from other websites. This foreign content neither originates from the Upper Rhine Immunology Group, nor does the  Upper Rhine Immunology Group possess any influence over the content of such third party sites. The content of foreign sites with which the Upper Rhine Immunology Group  is associated by links does not reflect the opinion of the  Upper Rhine Immunology Group, serving merely as a source of further information and the description of connections. These remarks hold for all links and references on this website as well as for entries in guest books set up by the  Upper Rhine Immunology Group, discussion forums, and mailing lists. Legally responsible for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content or especially for damages incurred as a result of the use of such information is solely the owner of the page the reference refers to.