Microstructuring of polymer films for sensitive genotyping by real-time PCR on a centrifugal microfluidic platform
Focke M, Stumpf F, Faltin B, Reith P, Bamarni D, Wadle S, Müller C, Reinecke H, Schrenzel J, Francois P, Mark D, Roth G, Zengerle R, von Stetten F.
Lab Chip 10(19):2519-26
We present a novel process flow enabling prototyping of microfluidic cartridges made out of polymer films. Its high performance is proven by implementation of a microfluidic genotyping assay testing DNA samples including clinical isolates from patients infected by methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The microfluidic cartridges are designed for operation in a modified commercial thermocycler and fabricated by a novel process called microthermoforming by soft lithography (µTSL).