Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Pre-storage of liquid reagents in glass ampoules for DNA extraction on a fully integrated lab-on-a-chip cartridge


Hoffmann J, Mark D, Lutz S, Zengerle R, von Stetten F

Lab Chip 10, 1480-1484

Lab Chip     online article

A weak point in many LoaC systems is the need to dispense liquid reagents into a cartridge initially. Therefore, we have developed a method for fusing reagents into glass ampoules. For reagent release, the ampoules are disrupted through the flexible lid of a cartridge. Upon centrifugation, the contents are released into the fluidic system. No liquid loss is observed for EtOH and H2O stored for 300 days. Applicability is shown by a LoaC-based DNA extraction after 140 days of reagent pre-storage.