Transcriptional control of gene expression by micro-RNAs
Khraiwesh B, Arif MA, Seumel GI, Ossowski S, Weigel D, Reski R, Frank W.
Cell 140(1):111-22.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) control gene expression in animals and plants. Like another class of small RNAs, siRNAs, they affect gene expression posttranscriptionally. While siRNAs in addition act in transcriptional gene silencing, a role of miRNAs in transcriptional regulation has been less clear. We show here that in moss Physcomitrella patens mutants without a DICER-LIKE1b gene, maturation of miRNAs is normal but cleavage of target RNAs is abolished and levels of these transcripts are drastically reduced.