Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

A novel MCF-10A line allowing conditional oncogene expression in 3D culture


Herr R, Wöhrle FU, Danke C, Berens C, Brummer T

Cell Commun Signal. 2011;9:17.

Cell Commun Signal      online article

This report describes the generation and functional characterization of MCF-10Atet cells, a tightly controlled, conditional gene expression system. Using B-RafV600E as a model oncoprotein, it is shown that its sudden expression in established three dimensional (3D) cultures results in the loss of acinar organization, the induction of an invasive phenotype and hallmarks of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Importantly, this severe transformed phenotype can be reversed by dox washout and concomitant termination of oncogene expression.