Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Centrifugo-dynamic inward pumping of liquids on a centrifugal microfluidic platform


Zehnle S, Schwemmer F, Roth G, von Stetten F, Zengerle R, Paust N

Lab Chip. 2012; 12(24):5142-5

Lab Chip             online article

We present a method to pump liquids in a centrifugal microfluidic spinning disk from a radial outward position to a radial inward position. Centrifugal forces are applied to 10 compress air in a cavity, this way storing pneumatic energy. The cavity is connected to an outlet channel having a lower hydraulic resistance compared to the inlet channel. The stored pneumatic energy is quickly released by fast reduction of rotational frequency. This way liquid is transported mainly through the channel with lower resistance, directing the liquid radially inwards. Pump efficiencies of > 75 % per pump cycle have been demonstrated.