Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

A protodermal miR394 signal defines a region of stem cell competence in the Arabidopsis shoot meristem


Knauer S, Holt AL, Rubio-Somoza I, Tucker EJ, Hinze A, Pisch M, Javelle M, Timmermans MC, Tucker MR, Laux T.

Dev Cell. 2013 Jan 28;24(2):125-32

Dev Cell.           online article

We address how the 3 apical layers acquire stem cell identity during shoot meristem formation in A. thaliana. We identified miR394 as a mobile signal produced by the surface layer (protoderm) that confers stem cell competence by repressing the F box protein LCR. This repression is required to potentiate signaling from beneath the stem cells by the transcription factor WUS. Although the constituent cells change, the protoderm provides a stable point of reference for a self-organizing meristem.