Dynamical modelling of prostaglandin signalling in platelets reveals individual receptor contributions and feedback properties
Mischnik M, Hubertus K, Geiger J, Dandekar T, Timmer J.
Mol Biosyst. 2013;9(10):2520-9
Prostaglandins are the key-players in taming down platelet function. They exert their effects via a variety of surface receptors, that are linked to the cAMP/PKA-signalling cascade. However, less is known about the quantitative impact of the individual receptors on the underlying pathway. We present here a comprehensive ODE-based model of the platelet cAMP-pathway, including the four prostaglandin receptors IP, DP1, EP3 and EP4, the ADP receptor P2Y12, a detailed PKA-module and downstream-targets.