Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Dynamical modelling of prostaglandin signalling in platelets reveals individual receptor contributions and feedback properties


Mischnik M, Hubertus K, Geiger J, Dandekar T, Timmer J.

Mol Biosyst. 2013;9(10):2520-9

Mol Biosyst              online article

Prostaglandins are the key-players in taming down platelet function. They exert their effects via a variety of surface receptors, that are linked to the cAMP/PKA-signalling cascade. However, less is known about the quantitative impact of the individual receptors on the underlying pathway. We present here a comprehensive ODE-based model of the platelet cAMP-pathway, including the four prostaglandin receptors IP, DP1, EP3 and EP4, the ADP receptor P2Y12, a detailed PKA-module and downstream-targets.