Fabrication of highly porous platinum by cyclic electrodeposition of PtCu alloys: How do process parameters affect morphology?
Kloke A, Köhler C, Dryzga A, Gerwig R, Schumann K, Ade M, Zengerle R, Kerzenmacher S
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (3) D111-D118 (2013)
Journal of The Electrochemical Society online article
In this work we analyze the influence of process parameters on the morphology of highly porous platinum electrodes, fabricated by co-deposition of platinum-copper alloy and subsequent selective dissolution of the less noble copper during multiple cyclic voltammetry scans. Since the fabrication of these highly rough electrodes requires the deposition of high amounts of platinum (10 – 20 mg per cm2 footprint area) it is mainly relevant to applications such as neurostimulation electrodes or implantable glucose fuel cells in which platinum costs are less relevant than electrode properties and functionality.