Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Visualization of TCR nanoclusters via immunogold labeling, freeze-etching, and surface replication


Fiala GJ, Rejas MT, Schamel WW, van Santen HM

Methods Cell Biol. 2013;117:391-410

Methods Cell Biol.        online article

T lymphocytes show high sensitivity for antigen, even though their T-cell receptor (TCR) has a low affinity for its ligand. Earlier we found that these paradoxical properties rely on the organization of TCRs in TCR nanoclusters. Thus, in BiNEP, a nanoscale explorer programme of BIOSS, we study the nanoscale distribution of the TCR on the cell surface. In this BIOSS publication, we describe a protocol, comprising immunogold labeling, cell surface replica generation, and electron microscopy analysis that allows nanoscale resolution of the distribution of cell surface molecules of cells grown in suspension.