Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Atkinesin-13A modulates cell-wall synthesis and cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana via the THESEUS1 pathway


Fujikura U, Elsaesser L, Breuninger H, Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Ivakov A, Laux T, Findlay K, Persson S, Lenhard M.

PLoS Genet. 2014;10(9):e1004627.

PLoS Genet.          online article

We report that the internal-motor kinesin AtKINESIN-13A limits cell expansion and cell size in Arabidopsis thaliana. The loss-of-function mutant forms larger petals with larger cells. It alters cell wall structure, triggering signalling via the THESEUS1 pathway, in turn promoting excess cell expansion. Our results indicate that AtKIN13A regulates cell expansion and wall architecture via THESEUS1, providing a compelling case of interplay between cell wall integrity sensing and cell expansion.