Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Interleukin-1? enhances FasL-induced caspase-3/-7 activity without increasing apoptosis in primary mouse hepatocytes


Lutz A, Sanwald J, Thomas M, Feuer R, Sawodny O, Ederer M, Borner C, Humar M, Merfort I.

PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e115603

PLoS One.         online article

We show that IL-1b sensitizes primary mouse hepatocytes to FasL-induced cytochrome c release and caspase-3 activation. Surprisingly, FasL-induced cell death is reduced by IL-1b pretreatment. The protective effect of IL-1b is most likely via an NFkB-mediated upregulation of the caspase-8 inhibitor A20. A mathematical model predicted that the contradictious occurrence of both increased caspase-3 activity and cell death protection may be due to heterogeneous distribution of Bcl-2 proteins and variations in Fas signaling resulting in different subpopulations of hepatocytes.