NF-?B signaling regulates myelination in the CNS
Blank T, Prinz M
Front Mol Neurosci. 2014 May 26;7:47.
Front Mol Neurosci. online article
Besides myelination of neuronal axons by oligodendrocytes to facilitate propagation of action potentials, oligodendrocytes also support axon survival and function. A key transcription factor involved in these processes is nuclear factor-?B (NF-?B), a hetero or homodimer of the Rel family of proteins, including p65, c-Rel, RelB, p50, and p52. Under unstimulated, NF-?B remains inactive in the cytoplasm through interaction with NF-?B inhibitors (I?Bs). Upon activation of NF-?B the cytoplasmic I?Bs gets degradated, allowing the translocation of NF-?B into the nucleus where the dimer binds to the ?B consensus DNA sequence and regulates gene transcription.