Insights from the cold transcriptome of Physcomitrella patens: global specialization pattern of conserved transcriptional regulators and identification of orphan genes involved in cold acclimation
Beike AK, Lang D, Zimmer AD, Wüst F, Trautmann D, Wiedemann G, Beyer P, Decker EL, Reski R
New Phytol. 2015;205(2):869-81
Changing temperature is a common abiotic stress for land plants. Based on large-scale gene expression analyses we characterized the whole-genome transcriptomic cold stress response of Physcomitrella patens in correlation with phenotypic and metabolic changes. While transcription associated protein-encoding gene families show a global specialization, 12 % of the 3,220 differentially expressed genes are orphan genes that may contribute to moss-specific signalling and cold tolerance.