Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Kidins220/ARMS binds to the B cell antigen receptor and regulates B cell development and activation


Fiala GJ, Janowska I, Prutek F, Hobeika E, Satapathy A, Sprenger A, Plum T, Seidl M, Dengjel J, Reth M, Cesca F, Brummer T, Minguet S, Schamel WW.

J Exp Med. 2015;212(10):1693-708

J Exp Med.            online article

In this publication that is co-authored by several BIOSS PIs we discover a novel protein, namely Kidins220/ARMS, in B cells. We show that Kidins220 interacts with the IgM- and IgD-BCR already in its resting state. Using shRNA knockdown of Kidins220 in the cell line K46 we show that Kidins220 is required for BCR-induced sustained Erk activation in B cells. By fetal liver adoptive transfer of Kidins220-/- cells into Rag?c double-deficient mice, we observe an accumulation of Kidins220-/- B cells in the transitional 2 stage during development, implicating a malfunction of the BCR. In fact, Kidins220-/- B cells are not activated by low level anti-BCR stimulation ex vivo and do not proliferate in response to anti-BCR stimuli, while activation with LPS and proliferation upon anti-CD38 stimulation is unaffected. In conclusion, we report Kidins220 to be a new player in BCR signaling.