Magnetic chemiluminescent immunoassay for human C-reactive protein on the centrifugal microfluidics platform
Czilwik G, Vashist SK, Klein V, Buderer A, Roth G, von Stetten F, Zengerle R, Marka D
RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 61906-63912
We have developed an automated magnetic chemiluminescent immunoassay (MCIA) on a mobile analyser for rapid point-of-care determination of C-reactive protein. The MCIA is fully automated after the initial loading of sample and immunoreagents at the inlet ports. The automated protocol involves the transportation of magnetic c apture microparticles between adjacent reaction compartments using a set of stationary magnets, a microfluidic polymer disposable and a specific centrifugal protocol. The developed MCIA has a sampleto- answer time of 25 min and hands-on time of approximately 5 min.