Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Molecular protein adaptor with genetically encoded interaction sites guiding the hierarchical assembly of plasmonically active nanoparticle architectures


Schreiber A, Huber MC, Cölfen H, Schiller SM.

Nat Commun. 2015;6:6705.

Nat Comm.            online article

In this paper we introduce an high-resolution bottom up approach, the protein adaptor-based nano-object assembly (PABNOA), which leads to protein-guided self-assembly of NPs. The bioinspired translation of genetic information into biomimetic nanostructures enables to guide the self-assembly of genetically encoded protein-based nanoscale biohybrid materials. Applications can range from biohybrid materials with new biological , chemical and physical properties, over epitope-distance assembly, arrangement of biocatalytic activities and bioshuttles and cellular bioprobes.