Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Organizer-derived WOX5 signal maintains root columella stem cells through chromatin-mediated repression of CDF4 expression.


Pi L, Aichinger E, van der Graaff E, Llavata-Peris CI, Weijers D, Hennig L, Groot E, Laux T.

Dev Cell. 2015;33(5):576-88

Dev Cell            online article

In plants, WUSCHEL HOMEOBOX (WOX) transcription factors regulate stem cells, but the mechanism is elusive. We show that WOX5 protein moves from the root stem cell niche into adjacent stem cells, where it represses transcription of CDF4. This creates a gradient of CDF4, which allows stem cell daughters to differentiate. WOX5 represses CDF4 transcription by recruiting TPL/TPR corepressors and histone deacetylase HDA19, which consequently induces histone deacetylation at the CDF4 regulatory region.