Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Plasma membrane reorganization: A glycolipid gateway for microbes


Aigal S, Claudinon J, Römer W.

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015;1853(4):858-71

Biochim Biophys Acta.         online article

Ligand–receptor interactions,which represent the core for cell signaling and internalization processes are largely affected by the spatial configuration of host cell receptors. There is a growing piece of evidence that receptors are not homogeneously distributed within the plasma membrane, but are rather pre-clustered in nanodomains, or clusters are formed upon ligand binding. Pathogens have evolved many strategies to evade the host immune system and to ensure their survival by hijacking plasma membrane receptors that are most often associated with lipid rafts. In this review,we discuss the early stage molecular and physiological events that occur following ligand binding to host cell glycolipids. The ability of various biological ligands (e.g. toxins, lectins, viruses or bacteria) that bind to glycolipids to induce their own uptake into mammalian cells by creating negative membrane curvature and membrane invaginations is explored. We highlight recent trends in understanding nanoscale plasma membrane (re-)organization and present the benefits of using synthetic membrane systems.
This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Nanoscale membrane organisation and signalling.