Suboptimal B-cell antigen receptor signaling activity in vivo elicits germinal center counterselection mechanisms
Königsberger S, Weis V, Prodöhl J, Stehling M, Hobeika E, Reth M, Kiefer F.
Eur J Immunol. 2015 Feb;45(2):603-11.
The two members of the nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase family namely Syk and Zap-70 play an important role in the development and activation of B and T cell respectively. We have developed a mouse model allowing the inducible and B cell specific deletion of a floxed Syk allele in the presence of a Zap-70 knock-in rescue allele. This allowed us to study the proper function of mature B cells expressing Zap-70 instead of Syk. We found that B cells require the proper Syk kinase function not only during central and peripheral selection processes, but also during GC formation and maintenance.