Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

CatacLysMic specificity when targeting myeloid cells?

Blank T, Prinz M

Eur J Immunol. 2016;46(6):1340-2

Eur J Immunol.       online article

The antibacterial enzyme lysozyme M (LysM) encoded by the Lyz2 gene is broadly expressed in myeloblasts, macrophages, and neutrophils, and thus has been used for a long time as a cell-specific marker for myeloid cells in mice. In order to delete loxP-site flanked genes in myeloid cells, a Crerecombinase (Cre) expressing mouse line was created by inserting Cre-coding sequence into the translational start site of the LysM gene. These findings cause justified concerns regarding the efficient and specific targeting of microglia and peripheral myeloid cells using LysM-Cre mice and should stimulate thoughts on conclusions drawn from past experiments on the diseased CNS employing this Cre/loxP-deleter line.