Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Inhomogeneous distribution of Iba-1 characterizes microglial pathology in Alzheimer's disease

Tischer J, Krueger M, Mueller W, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Streit WJ, Bechmann I.

Glia. 2016;64(9):1562-72.

Glia            online article

Microglial dystrophy has recently been described as a morphological phenotype of microglia that differs from resting and activated states by spheroid formation and cytorrhexis. In thick sections immunolabeled for HLADR or Iba-1 dystrophic microglial processes lose their typical, homogeneous staining pattern and appear to be fragmented or clustered. In this study, we performed double immunofluorescence and electron microscopy to determine if this labeling pattern indeed reflects complete separation of microglial processes from the soma. Therefore, microglial dystrophy may reflect alterations of the cytoskeleton ultimately leading to slow cytorrhexis.