Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Human USP18 deficiency underlies type 1 interferonopathy leading to severe pseudo-TORCH syndrome

Meuwissen ME, Schot R, Buta S, Oudesluijs G, Tinschert S, Speer SD, Li Z, van Unen L, Heijsman D, Goldmann T, Lequin MH, Kros JM, Stam W, Hermann M, Willemsen R, Brouwer RW, Van IJcken WF, Martin-Fernandez M, de Coo I, Dudink J, de Vries FA, Bertoli Avella A, Prinz M, Crow YJ, Verheijen FW, Pellegrini S, Bogunovic D, Mancini GM.

J Exp Med. 2016;213(7):1163-74.

J Exp Med.        online article

Pseudo-TORCH syndrome (PTS) is characterized by microcephaly, enlarged ventricles, cerebral calcification, and, occasionally, by systemic features at birth resembling the sequelae of congenital infection but in the absence of an infectious agent. Genetic defects resulting in activation of type 1 interferon (IFN) responses have been documented to cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, which is a cause of PTS. Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 18 (USP18) is a key negative regulator of type I IFN signaling. In this study, we identified loss-of-function recessive mutations of USP18 in five PTS patients from two unrelated families. Ex vivo brain autopsy material demonstrated innate immune inflammation with calcification and polymicrogyria. These findings add USP18 deficiency to the list of genetic disorders collectively termed type I interferonopathies.