Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Molecular genetic characterization of individual cancer cells isolated via single-cell printing

Riba J, Renz N, Niemöller C, Bleul S, Pfeifer D, Stosch JM, Metzeler KH, Hackanson B, Lübbert M, Duyster J, Koltay P, Zengerle R, Claus R, Zimmermann S, Becker H.

PLoS One. 2016;11(9):e0163455.

Plos One            online article

Here, we present an efficient workflow based on an advanced Single-Cell Printer device for the study of gene variants in single cancer cells. The advanced SCP allows efficient, precise and gentle isolation of individual cells for subsequent whole genome amplification and routine PCR/sequencing-based analyses of gene variants. This makes single-cell information readily accessible to a wide range of applications and can provide insights into clonal heterogeneity that were indeterminable solely by analyses of bulk specimens.