Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Pulsed electro-deposition of highly porous Pt-alloys for the use in methanol, formic acid, and glucose fuel cells

Frei M, Köhler C, Dietel L, Martin J, Wiedenmann F, Zengerle R, Kerzenmacher S

ChemElectroChem 2018;5(7):1013-1023

ChemElectroChem               online article

We demonstrate an electro-deposition process for the fabrication of highly porous PtCu-alloy anodes. In the fabrication process, Pt and different amounts of a second noble metal (Pd, Ru, Au) are repeatedly co-deposited with Cu from an aqueous electrolyte, followed by selective dealloying of Cu. This way, highly porous PtCu alloys with roughness factors ranging from 400 to 4000 can be obtained.