Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Talks Integrative Signalling

Type: Talks
SR 0.023
Signalhaus Freiburg
Schänzlestr. 18


09:00            Dr.

Giorgos Pyrowolakis (Institut für Biologie I, Universität Freiburg):

                     „Dynamics of Cell Signaling: From extracellular

regulation to nuclear responses”

09:45            Prof.

Dr. Andreas Möglich (Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

                     Structure, Function and Engineering of Photoreceptors”

10:30-11:00                PAUSE

11:00            Dr. Maja Banks-Köhn (European Molecular Biology

Laboratory, Heidelberg):

                     “Phosphatase Chemical Biology”

11:45            Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingan (Institut für

Biochemie I, Universität Frankfurt):

                     "Ubiquitin dependent regulation of RhoGTPases and

MAPKs- IAPs in the fray"