Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Education Day

On Thursday, November 16, you – Master students, starting and future PhD candidates – are invited for a talk and exchange with Higher Education experts and senior academic staff from the US, from EUCOR – The European Campus Universities and from Industry about graduate education, the role of graduate schools and the topic of skills‘ education and skills‘ needs.

Presenters will address the following topics in particular:

- Doctoral education and the role of doctoral schools in serving the future academicians in their career building

- Soft skills and their place within doctoral education

- Skills training and skills match: the view from Industry

Following their introductory pitches, the presenters will be available at individual booths to answer your questions. Experiences out of your interactions with the experts will feed into the final panel discussion and help to shape the PhD education models of the future.


Convenor: Dr Marco Cavallari, Lecturer and Senior PostDoc at BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, University of Freiburg

Place: Institute for Molecular Medicine, Stefan-Meier-Str.  17 (1.OG, Rm 01006)

Registrations are welcome at:

(Please indicate your FULL NAME and your HOME INSTITUTION)