Upper Rhine
Immunology Group

Bed and Bench Immunology 2023

The Bench and Bed Immunology (BBI) Seminar is dedicated to Master, PhD students and post-doctoral students from the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry, including students in double cursus (medical/clinical students or residents in training).

BBI bridges the gap between basic immunological research and clinical immunology focusing on immunopathology of diseases and their treatments. The BBI is based on the cross-border support by the Franco-German University (UFA). It is organized and held by basic researchers in Immunology and clinician scientists from Strasbourg, Paris, and Freiburg.

The focus of BBI 2023 will be “Immune mediated diseases and Immunopathology”. It will take place in Strasbourg on February 1st-2, 2023 in the Faculty of Dentistry Robert Frank (8 rue Sainte Elisabeth, 67000 Strasbourg, France; see the link below for the precise location)

Seminars and lectures will be given in English by great French and German speakers. Different topics will be addressed including immune regulation, primary immunodeficiencies, autoantibody-mediated diseases, new technologies in immunology, and translational research. Every participating student is invited to prepare a short talk either about his/her clinical work or research work or, if they don’t work directly on the topic of the seminar, describing a published manuscript (“Journal Club”). The seminar is free of charge for the students including travel costs, accommodation and meals, provided that they actively participate to the seminar with an oral presentation or poster presentation. A prize will be awarded for the best oral presentation (registration fees for a European congress).

Participation to BBI allows the validation of doctoral credits for those who are concerned (for the French students of the doctoral school of Life and Health Sciences: 6 hours per day can be validated as scientific credits, subject to the attendance to the whole BBI meeting).

Registrations will be limited to 40 students. BBI also allow networking between French, German and Swiss students but also with clinicians, and researchers.

On February 1st, we will finish the day with a poster presentation session with aperitif and have dinner in Kammerzell House, one of the most famous building of Strasbourg. This well-preserved medieval building now houses a nice restaurant (https://www.maison-kammerzell.com).

The dead line for registration is January 5th, 2023.


To register, please follow this link

You will be asked to provide your CV (1 page) as well as a motivation letter and the title of you presentation/poster.


You can find all the information on the Upper Rhine Immunology (URI) group website:



If you need more information, please contact Dr. Sophie Jungs.jung@unistra.fr


We look forward to welcoming you at BBI meeting in Strasbourg,

Anne-Sophie Korganow, Sophie Jung, Pauline Soulas-Sprauel, Marta Rizzi, Reinhard Voll