Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Kids @ BIOSS

24 pupils and their teacher Rita Isenmann of the Grimmelshausen School in Renchen, Germany visited the BIOSS to learn what it means to do research in the Signalhaus.

24 pupils and their teacher Rita Isenmann of the Grimmelshausen School in Renchen, Germany visited the BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies of the University of Freiburg to learn what it means to do research in the Signalhaus. All four projects in which the students participated in small groups had the cell as topic. No matter if they looked at cell signals, cell culture or cells in tissues – the girls and boys from the sixth grade learned in the lab what they had just heard about in class. There are many different cell types. You can grow them in the lab. However, they are not easy to see as you need a microscope make them visible. Dr. Nicole Gensch, lab manager of the Toolbox, Kathrin Kläsener, from the lab of Prof. Dr. Michael Reth, Juniorprofessor Dr. Maximilian Ulbrich and junior group leader Dr. Giorgos Pyrowolakis performed the projects with these very young scientists. The students asked many clever questions and participated with a lot of enthusiasm. The researchers showed their educational skills and hopefully managed to motivate some of the students to follow up on a research career in the future.