Poster prize on oncogenic signalling

On January 23rd 2019 Judith Weyershäuser, a PhD student in the group of Maja Köhn, was awarded with one of the three poster prizes sponsored by the journal ChemBioChem at the meeting “Advances in Chemical Biology” held in Frankfurt a.M.. The recognized work, which was carried out in collaboration with the EMBL Medicinal Chemistry Facility in Heidelberg, deals with the optimization of inhibitors for the phosphatase PRL-3 that promotes cancer and cancer metastasis.
The picture shows Judith together with the editor of ChemBioChem, Ruben Ragg (middle), and Pierre Stallforth (right), who is the speaker of the Joint Chemical Biology Section of the Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA e.V.), the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG e.V.), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM e.V.), and the German Chemical Society (GDCh e.V.) that organized this meeting. Congratulations, Judith!