Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Day of BIOSS

At this occasion BIOSS presented its new research groups at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology.

On 09 June 2010 BIOSS presented its new research groups at the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology. At this occasion we had talks of all our new recruits at the W3, W1 and independent postdoc level. This meeting was open not only for people at the Max Planck, but also for everyone at the University interested in the progress of BIOSS. The new groups presented not only their research topic, but, more importantly informed the audience about the new techniques and scientific approaches they are bringing to Freiburg. The common topic of this meeting was what scientific projects BIOSS is pursuing and how this could support the work of the science community in Freiburg. It was a starting point for several collaborations within and outside of BIOSS.

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