Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

In-house Workshop "Science Management"

17 young interested BIOSS scientists participated in the 2 day "Project Management and Leadership Competencies" workshop. It was conducted by Dr. Simon Golin the well known leader of the consulting firm GOLIN WISSENSCHAFTSMANAGEMENT and was organized by BIOSS.

Why are specific goals so important? Because it makes it easier to say “No”! The basics of Science Management are to know how much time you can save at the beginning of a project. Well defined goals can set the basis for a successful collaboration or one can lose the opportunity.

17 young interested BIOSS scientists participated in the 2 day "Project Management and Leadership Competencies" workshop. It was conducted by Dr. Simon Golin the well known leader of the consulting firm GOLIN WISSENSCHAFTSMANAGEMENT and was organized by BIOSS.

Day one of the workshop was about project management from conception to implementation; the second day was about team and leadership competencies.

The following issues were explained by the instructor to the participants: How you can benefit from „The magic at the beginning“, what a common organized structure plan can achieve and where its limits are, which risks can be anticipated and how important it is to have a “First aid kit” prepared. These issues were brought close to the participants with presentations, lectures, field reports, exercises and discussions. Dr. Simon has a direct and personal communication style, which leads to an open and fertile exchange between the scientists. Furthermore it gave enough space for questions and answers of everyday problems that the researchers face.  

Questions were asked about procedures on how to delegate or avoid additional work, as well as tips on how handle conflicts within your team. A detailed recommended biannual guide on HR (Human Resources) reviews caught a lot of interest. One subject matter came up on the second day was that an oral agreement is not a binding contract. It was also highlighted that the problems we experience as our own individual weaknesses often are structural causes.

Dr. Simon Golin was rated as a very competent in the participants feedback, the interactive direction of the seminar got best marks. His teachings for teambuilding and leadership competitions were also rated as highlight.

For further in-house trainings time management and conflict-management are on high demand.

Further information about Science Management:

  • Tiemeyer, Ernst: Projekte erfolgreich managen – Methoden, Instrumente, Erfahrungen. Weinheim und Basel 2002. 24,90 €


  • Reiter, Wilfried: Projektmanagement für Einzelkämpfer -Kein Team, kaum Budget und trotzdem erfolgreich. Hamburg 2004. 19.95 €


  • Begemann, Petra: Der erste Führungsjob. Wie Sie sich durchsetzen -  wie Sie Fehler vermeiden. Frankfurt am Main 2000, Eichborn Reihe ‚don’t panic‘.7,95 €


  • Krawiec, Ingo: Umgang mit Vorgesetzten. Profil entwickeln –Beruflichen Erfolg steuern. Berlin 2005, Cornelsen. 6,95 €


  • Niemeyer, Rainer und Postall, Nadia: Führen. Die erfolgreichsten Instrumente und Techniken. München 2003, Haufe. 24,95 €



In the front: Enrico Schmidt;

1st row, from left: Thorsten Eierhoff, Zhike Zi, Andrea Weber, Maria Manukyan, Björn Schelter, Gertrud Wiedemann;

2nd row: Simon Golin, Sebastian Herzog, Winfried Römer, Nils Wiedemann, Silke Oeljeklaus, Heike Piechura, Thomas Kleinschroth, Lora Braun