Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Synthetic Biologists meet in Heidelberg

What’s new in synthetic biology? From 9th to 11th of December researchers from Europe, USA and Asia as well as four of the successful iGEM Teams 2013 presented the new developments in this field of research at the international symposium "Synthetic Biology - from understanding to application".

What’s new in synthetic biology? From 9th to 11th of December researchers from Europe, USA and Asia as well as four of the successful iGEM Teams 2013 presented the new developments in this field of research at the international symposium "Synthetic Biology - from understanding to application". This year’s Freiburg iGEM-Team was also present: they gave a talk about their awarded CRISPR-Kit project. In the art exhibition BioArts and the stage debate with Wolf-Michael Catenhusen of the german ethics council the public perception of synthetic biology was discussed. This research area brings together engineers, biologists and chemists to develop novel biological tools and systems. Synthetic biology is one of the key areas in research at the cluster of excellence BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies of the University of Freiburg. Prof. Dr. Michael Reth, speaker of the cluster of excellence, and Prof. Dr. Wilfried Weber, professor for synthetic biology at the cluster, organized the symposium at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in a joint effort with other German researchers from the Helmholtz Initiative on Synthetic Biology.

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What’s new in synthetic biology? More than 150 researchers wanted to find out at the international symposium "Synthetic Biology - from understanding to application".