

Ulrich Maurer

Institute for Molecular Medicine and Cell Research University of Freiburg
+49 761 203 9632

10 selected publications

  • CDK9-mediated phosphorylation controls the interaction of TIP60 with the transcriptional machinery. Brauns-Schubert P, Schubert F, Wissler M, Weiss M, Schlicher L, Bessler S, Safavi M, Miething C, Borner C, Brummer T, Maurer U (2018). EMBO Rep, 19, 244-56
  • SPATA2 promotes CYLD activity and regulates TNF-induced NF-κB signaling and cell death. Schlicher L, Wissler M, Preiss F, Brauns-Schubert P, Jakob C, Dumit V, Borner C, Dengjel J, Maurer U (2016) EMBO Rep, 17, 1485-7
  • Increased leukocyte survival and accelerated onset of lymphoma in absence of MCL-1 S159-phosphorylation. Lindner SE, Wissler M, Gründer A, Aumann K, Ottina E, Peintner L, Borner C, Charvet C, Villunger A, Pahl HL, Maurer U (2014) Oncogene. 33(44):5221-4
  • A novel mitochondrial MAVS/caspase-8 platform links RNA virus-induced innate antiviral signaling to Bax/Bak-independent apoptosis. El Maadidi S, Faletti L, Berg B, Wenzl C, Wieland K, Chen Z, Maurer U, Borner C (2014). J Immunol 192, 1171-83.
  • Apoptosis induced by the fungal pathogen gliotoxin requires a triple phosphorylation of Bim by JNK. Geissler A, Haun F, Frank DO, Wieland K, Simon MM, Idzko M, Davis RJ, Maurer U, Borner C (2013) Cell Death Differ 20,1317-29
  • Phosphorylation of Tip60 by GSK-3 determines the induction of PUMA and apoptosis by p53. Charvet C, Wissler M, Brauns-Schubert P, Wang SJ, Tang Y, Sigloch F, Mellert H, Brandenburg M, Lindner S, Breit B, Green DR, McMahon S, Borner C, Gu W, Maurer U (2011). Mol Cell 42, 584-96.
  • Switch from type II to I Fas/CD95 death signaling upon in vitro culturing of primary hepatocytes. Walter D, Schmich K, Vogel S, Pick R, Kaufmann T, Hochmuth FC, Haber A, Neubert K, McNelly S, von Weizsäcker F, Merfort I, Maurer U, Strasser A, Borner C (2008) Hepatology 48, 1942.
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and autophagy protect cells from apoptotic cytochrome c release in the absence of caspase activation. Colell A, Ricci JE, Tait S, Milasta S, Maurer U, Bouchier-Hayes L, Fitzgerald P, Guio-Carrion A, Waterhouse NJ, Wei Li C, Newmeyer DD, Beere HM, Green DR (2007). Cell 129, 983-997
  • Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 regulates mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and apoptosis by destabilization of MCL-1. Maurer U*, Charvet C, Wagman A, Dejardin EM, Green DR* (2006). Mol Cell 21, 749-60
  • Pharmacologic activation of p53 elicits Bax-dependent apoptosis in the absence of transcription. Chipuk JE, Maurer U, Green DR*, Schuler M* (2003). Cancer Cell 4, 371-381