

Thomas Reinheckel

Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Freiburg
Professor of Molecular Medicine / Cellular Pathomechanisms
+49 761 203 9606

10 selected publications

  • RNA interference screens discover proteases as synthetic lethal partners of PI3K inhibition in breast cancer cells. Hölzen L, Mitschke J, Schönichen C, Hess ME, Ehrenfeld S, Boerries M, Miething C, Brummer T, and Reinheckel T. (2022) Theranostics 12(9):4348-4373.
  • The secreted inhibitor of invasive cell growth CREG1 is negatively regulated by cathepsin proteases. Gomez-Auli A, Hillebrand LE, Christen D, Günther SC, Biniossek ML, Peters C, Schilling O, and Reinheckel T. (2021) Cell Mol Life Sci. 78(2):733-755.
  • Cathepsin D deficiency in mammary epithelium transiently stalls breast cancer by interference with mTORC1 signaling. Ketterer S, Mitschke J, Ketscher A, Schlimpert M, Reichardt W, Baeuerle N, Hess M, Metzger P, Boerries M, Peters C, Kammerer B, Brummer T, Steinberg F, Reinheckel T (2020). Nat. Commun. 11: 5133
  • MMP14 empowers tumor-initiating breast cancer cells under hypoxic nutrient-depleted conditions. Hillebrand LE, Wickber SM, Gomez-Auli A, Follo M, Maurer J, Busch H, Boerries M, Reinheckel T (2019). FASEB J. 33, 4124-4140.
  • Out-of-frame start codons prevent translation of truncated nucleo-cytosolic cathepsin L in vivo Tholen M, Hillebrand LE, Tholen S, Sedelmeier O, Arnold SJ, Reinheckel T. (2014) Nat Commun. 5:4931.
  • Specialized roles for cysteine cathepsins in health and disease Reiser J, Adair B, and Reinheckel T. (2010) J Clin Invest 120(10):3421-31.
  • Synergistic anti-tumor effects of combined cathepsin B and cathepsin X/Z deficiencies on breast cancer progression and metastasis in mice. Sevenich L, Schurigt U, Sachse K, Gajda M, Werner F, Müller S, Vasiljeva O, Schwinde A, Klemm N, Deussing J, Peters C, Reinheckel T (2010). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(6):2497-502
  • The NALP3 inflammasome is involved in the innate immune response to amyloid-beta. Halle A., Hornung V, Petzold GC, Stewart CR, Monks BG, Reinheckel T, Fitzgerald KA, Latz E, Moore KJ, Golenbock DT (2008). Nat Immunol. 9(8), 857-65.
  • Tumor cell-derived and macrophage-derived cathepsin B promotes progression and lung metastasis of mammary cancer. Vasiljeva O, Papazoglou A, Krüger A, Brodoefel H, Korovin M, Deussing J, Augustin N, Nielsen BS, Almholt K, Bogyo M, Peters C, Reinheckel T. (2006) Cancer Res. 66, 5242-5250.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy in mice deficient for the lysosomal cysteine peptidase cathepsin L. Stypmann J, Gläser K, Roth W, Tobin DJ, Petermann I, Matthias R, Mönnig G, Haverkamp W, Breithardt G, Schmahl W, Peters C, Reinheckel T. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 99, 6234-6239