

Prof. Dr. Barbara Di Ventura

Institute of Biology II, University of Freiburg
hired as BIOSS Professor
+49 761 203 2764

10 selected publications

  • Requirements for mammalian promoters to decode transcription factor dynamics. Antwi EB, Marrakchi Y, Çiçek Ö, Brox T, Di Ventura B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Apr 18:gkad273.
  • Analysis of Slow-Cycling Variants of the Light-Inducible Nuclear Protein Export System LEXY in Mammalian Cells. Forlani G, Antwi EB, Weis D, Öztürk MA, Queck BAW, Brecht D, Di Ventura B. ACS Synth Biol. 2022 Oct 21;11(10):3529-3533.
  • patcHwork: a user-friendly pH sensitivity analysis web server for protein sequences and structures. Schmitz M, Schultze A, Vanags R, Voigt K, Di Ventura B, Öztürk MA. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jul 5;50(W1):W560-W567
  • Engineering AraC to make it responsive to light instead of arabinose. Romano E, Baumschlager A, Akmeriç EB, Palanisamy N, Houmani M, Schmidt G, Öztürk MA, Ernst L, Khammash M, Di Ventura B. Nat Chem Biol. 2021 Jul;17(7):817-827
  • finDr: A web server for in silico D-peptide ligand identification. Engel H, Guischard F, Krause F, Nandy J, Kaas P, Höfflin N, Köhn M, Kilb N, Voigt K, Wolf S, Aslan T, Baezner F, Hahne S, Ruckes C, Weygant J, Zinina A, Akmeriç EB, Antwi EB, Dombrovskij D, Franke P, Lesch KL, Vesper N, Weis D, Gensch N, Di Ventura B, Öztürk MA. Synth Syst Biotechnol. 2021 Nov 23;6(4):402-413.
  • Split intein-mediated selection of cells containing two plasmids using a single antibiotic. Palanisamy N, Degen A, Morath A, Ballestin Ballestin J, Juraske C, Öztürk MA, Sprenger GA, Youn JW, Schamel WW, Di Ventura B (2019). Nat Commun 10(1):4967.
  • Context-dependent activity of A domains in the tyrocidine synthetase. Degen A, Mayerthaler F, Mootz HD, Di Ventura B (2019). Sci Rep. 9(1):5119. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41492-8.
  • Optogenetic control of nuclear protein export. Niopek D, Wehler P, Roensch J, Eils R, Di Ventura B (2016). Nat Commun. 7:10624. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10624
  • Engineering light-inducible nuclear localization signals for precise spatiotemporal control of protein dynamics in living cells. Niopek D, Benzinger D, Roensch J, Draebing T, Wehler P, Eils R, Di Ventura B (2014). Nat Commun. 5:4404. Highlighted in F1000
  • Creating functional engineered variants of the single-module non-ribosomal peptide synthetase IndC by T domain exchange. Beer R, Herbst K, Ignatiadis N, Kats I, Adlung L, Meyer H, Niopek D, Christiansen T, Georgi F, Kurzawa N, Meichsner J, Rabe S, Riedel A, Sachs J, Schessner J, Schmidt F, Walch P, Niopek K, Heinemann T, Eils R, Di Ventura B (2014). Mol BioSyst. 10(7):1709-18.