

Bernd Fakler

Institute of Physiology II, University of Freiburg
Head of Institute of Physiology II
+49 761 203 5175

10 selected publications

  • An ER assembly line of AMPA-receptors controls excitatory neurotransmission and its plasticity. Schwenk J, Boudkkazi S, Kocylowski M, Brechet A, Zolles G, Bus T, Costa K, Kollewe A, Jordan J, Bank J, Bildl W, Sprengel R, Kulik A, Roeper J, Schulte U, Fakler B (2019) Neuron 104: 680-692.
  • Neuroplastin and basigin are essential auxiliary subunits of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases and key regulators of Ca2+ Clearance. Schmidt N, Kollewe A, Constantin CE, Henrich S, Ritzau-Jost A, Bildl W, Saalbach A, Hallermann S, Kulik A, Fakler B*, Schulte U* (2017). Neuron 96, 827-838. *corresponding
  • AMPA-receptor specific biogenesis complexes control synaptic transmission and intellectual ability. Brechet A, Buchert R, Schwenk J, Boudkkazi S, Zolles G, Siquier-Pernet K, Schaber I, Bildl W, Saadi A, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Reis A, Sticht H, Al-Sanna’a N, Rolfs A, Kulik A, Schulte U, Colleaux L, Abou Jamra R, Fakler B (2017). Nat Commun 8, 15910.
  • Modular composition and dynamics of native GABAB receptors identified by high-resolution proteomics. Schwenk J, Perez-Garci E, Schneider A, Kollewe A, Gauthier-Kemper A, Fritzius T, Raveh A, Dinamarca MC, Hanuschkin A, Bildl W, Klingauf J, Gassmann M, Schulte U, Bettler B, Fakler B (2016). Nat. Neurosci. 19, 233-42.
  • Cryo-slicing Blue Native-Mass Spectrometry (csBN-MS), a Novel Technology for High Resolution Complexome Profiling. Muller CS, Bildl W, Haupt A, Ellenrieder L, Becker T, Hunte C, Fakler B, Schulte U (2016) Mol Cell Proteomics 15: 669-81.
  • High-resolution proteomics unravel architecture and molecular diversity of native AMPA receptor complexes. Schwenk J, Harmel N, Brechet A, Zolles G, Berkefeld H, Muller CS, Bildl W, Baehrens D, Huber B, Kulik A, Klöcker N, Schulte U*, Fakler B* (2012). Neuron 74, 621-33. *corresponding
  • Native GABAB receptors are heteromultimers with a family of auxiliary subunits. Schwenk J, Metz M, Zolles G, Turecek R, Fritzius T, Bildl W, Tarusawa E, Kulik A, Unger A, Ivankova A, Seddik R, Tiao JY, Rajalu M, Trojanova J, Rohde V, Gassmann M, Schulte U, Fakler B*, Bettler B* (2010). Nature 13;465, 231-5. *corresponding
  • Functional proteomics identify cornichon proteins as auxiliary subunits of AMPA receptors. Schwenk J, Harmel N, Zolles G, Bildl W, Kulik A, Heimrich B, Chisaka O, Jonas P, Schulte U, Fakler B*, Klöcker N* (2009). Science 323, 1313-9. *corresponding
  • BKCa-Cav channel complexes mediate rapid and localized Ca2+-activated K+ signaling. Berkefeld H, Sailer CA, Bildl W, Rohde V, Thumfart JO, Eble S, Klugbauer N, Reisinger E, Bischofberger J, Oliver D, Knaus HG, Schulte U, Fakler B (2006). Science 314, 615-2.
  • The epilepsy-linked Lgi1 protein assembles into presynaptic Kv1 channels and inhibits inactivation by Kvbeta1. Schulte U, Thumfart JO, Klöcker N, Sailer CA, Bildl W, Biniossek M, Dehn D, Deller T, Eble S, Abbass K, Wangler T, Knaus HG, Fakler B (2006). Neuron 49, 697-706.