Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

A Gene Therapy Technology-based biomaterial for the trigger-inducible release of biopharmaceuticals in mice


Kämpf M, Christen EH, Ehrbar M, Daoud-El Baba M, Charpin-El Hamri G, Fussenegger M, Weber W

Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 2534–2538

Adv. Funct. Mater.    online article

In this study we describe an implantable small molecule-triggered hydrogel for the inducible release of biopharmaceuticals in mice. The hydrogel consists of polyacrylamide crosslinked by a homodimeric variant of human FK-binding protein (FM). Dimeric FM is dissociated by the small molecule drug FK506 resulting in hydrogel dissolution and the adjustable release of the previously embedded model biopharmaceutical VEGF.