Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Microarray analysis of the moss Physcomitrella patens reveals evolutionarily conserved transcriptional regulation of salt stress and abscisic acid signalling


Richardt S, Timmerhaus G, Lang D, Qudeimat E, Corrêa LG, Reski R, Rensing SA, Frank W.

Plant Mol Biol. 72(1-2):27-45

Plant Mol Biol       online article

Regulatory networks of salt stress and abscisic acid (ABA) responses have previously been analyzed in seed plants. We report microarray expression profiles of transcription-associated proteins (TAPs) in response to salt stress and ABA in the salt-tolerant moss Physcomitrella patens. We find that the role of DREB-like, Dof, and bHLH TAPs in salt stress responses have been conserved during embryophyte evolution, and that the function of ABI3-like, bZIP, HAP3, and CO-like TAPs in seed development and flowering emerged from pre-existing pathways.