Microfluidics in silicon/polymer technology as a cost-efficient alternative to silicon/glass
Kalkandjiev K, Riegger L , Kosse D, Welsche M, Gutzweiler L, Zengerle R, Koltay P
J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 (2011) 025008 (8pp)
J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 online article
TMMF dry photopolymer was investigated as a cost-efficient alternative to glass for the sealing of high-density silicon microchannels. TMMF has high transparency and low autofluorescence and enables low temperature sealing and access to structures underneath via standard UV-lithography. As the photopolymer is too thin for implementing bulky world-to-chip interfaces, we propose adhesive bonding of COC modules. The used materials showed no cytotoxic effects when tested according ISO 10993-5.