Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Normally-closed peristaltic micropump with re-usable actuator and disposable fluidic chip

January 2010

Trenkle F, Häberle S, Zengerle R

Sensors and Actuators B 154 (2011) 137–141

Sensors and Actuators       online article

We present a new peristaltic micropump offering three key features: (i) a disposable pump body and a reuseable actuator unit, (ii) an intrinsic normally-closed mechanism blocking unintended liquid flows up to a pressure of 100 kPa and (iii) a backpressure independent pump performance up to 40 kPa. As for all peristaltic micropumps, the pump is bidirectional, e.g. the pump direction can be changed forward to reverse mode.