The acidic domain of cytochrome c? in paracoccus denitrificans, analogous to the acidic subunits in eukaryotic bc? complexes, is not involved in the electron transfer reaction to its native substrate cytochrome c(552).
Castellani M, Havens J, Kleinschroth T, Millett F, Durham B, Malatesta F, Ludwig B.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011;1807(11):1383-9
Biochim Biophys Acta online article
The cytochrome bc(1) complex is a key component in the respiratory pathway. One characteristic of the eukaryotic complex is the presence of a small acidic subunit, which is thought to guide the interaction of the complex with its electron acceptor cyt c. P. denitrificans represents the only example of a prokaryotic organism in which a highly acidic domain is fused to the cytochrome c(1) subunit. A deletion variant lacking this acidic domain has been purified and characterized. It exhibits wild type turnover and identical substrate interaction.