Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

In silico labeling reveals the time-dependent label half-life and transit-time in dynamical systems


Maiwald T, Blumberg J, Raue A, Hengl S, Schilling M, Sy SK, Becker V, Klingmüller U, Timmer J

BMC Syst Biol. 2012 Feb 27;6:13.

BMC Syst Biol.         online article

Mathematical models of dynamical systems facilitate the computation of characteristic properties that are not accessible experimentally. In cell biology, two main properties of interest are (1) the time-period a protein is accessible to other molecules in a certain state - its half-life - and (2) the time it spends when passing through a subsystem - its transit-time. We discuss two approaches to quantify the half-life, present the novel method of in silico labeling, and introduce the label half-life and label transit-time.