In silico labeling reveals the time-dependent label half-life and transit-time in dynamical systems
Maiwald T, Blumberg J, Raue A, Hengl S, Schilling M, Sy SK, Becker V, Klingmüller U, Timmer J
BMC Syst Biol. 2012 Feb 27;6:13.
Mathematical models of dynamical systems facilitate the computation of characteristic properties that are not accessible experimentally. In cell biology, two main properties of interest are (1) the time-period a protein is accessible to other molecules in a certain state - its half-life - and (2) the time it spends when passing through a subsystem - its transit-time. We discuss two approaches to quantify the half-life, present the novel method of in silico labeling, and introduce the label half-life and label transit-time.