Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Solid-phase PCR in a picowell array for immobilizing and arraying 100,000 PCR products to a microscope slide


Hoffmann J, Trotter M, von Stetten F, Zengerle R, Roth G

Lab Chip 2012; 12(17):3049-54

Lab Chip          online article

A novel method for performing highly parallel PCR reactions in a picowell array (PWA) simultaneously immobilizing generated PCR products covalent and spatially-resolved onto a microscope slide via solid-phase PCR (SP-PCR). This so called PWA-SP-PCR was performed in picowell arrays featuring 100,000 wells/ cm2 of 19 pL reaction volumes. Even single DNA molecules were successfully amplified and immobilized demonstrating digital solid-phase PCR.