Sorting and lysis of single cells by BubbleJet technology
Hoefemann H, Wadle S, Bakhtina N, Kondrashov V, Wangler N, Zengerle R
Sensors and Actuators B 2012, 168, 442-5
Sensors and Actuators B online article
Chip-integrated BubbleJet technology has been utilized for sorting as well as for lysis of single cells. The microfluidic chips comprise titanium microheaters as bubble generators on transparent glass substrates combined with fluidic structures made in PDMS. Hydrodynamically focused mouse fibroblasts travel at about 500 µm/s and are laterally deflected up to 60 µm from their original streamline towards a separate outlet. Cycle times for sorting and lysis amount to 5 ms and 20 ms respectively.