Accession-specific modifiers act with ZWILLE/ARGONAUTE10 to maintain shoot meristem stem cells during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis
Tucker MR, Roodbarkelari F, Truernit E, Adamski NM, Hinze A, Lohmüller B, Würschum T, Laux T.
BMC Genomics. 2013;14:809
In the Landsberg erecta (Ler) acession, ZWILLE (ZLL) is essential for stem cell maintenance, whereas in the Columbia (Col) accession its requirement appears masked by genetic modifiers. We analysed 28 Arabidopsis accessions and show that ZLL function is essential in accessions mainly originating from Germany. Quantitative Trait Loci mapping indicated that five genomic regions, FLETSCHE (FHE) 1–5, modify ZLL function in stem cell maintenance. FHE2 was the most prominent and was tightly linked to the SQN gene, which encodes a cofactor that supports AGO1 activity.