Nck recruitment to the TCR required for ZAP70 activation during thymic development
Borroto A, Arellano I, Dopfer EP, Prouza M, Suchànek M, Fuentes M, Orfao A, Schamel WW, Alarcón B.
J Immunol. 2013;190(3):1103-12
To study the recruitment of the adaptor protein Nck to CD3?, we generated a knockin mouse line bearing point mutations on the two central prolines in the proline?rich sequence (PRS) of CD3?. Thymocyte development in these mice showed partial arrest at steps requiring pre?TCR or TCR signaling, and Nck was not recruited to the TCR. Further, the DP thymocytes showed impaired CD3? and ZAP70 activation. We conclude that Nck is recruited to the TCR in an inducible manner in DP thymocytes, and that this recruitment is required for early TCR?dependent events.